98 Memory Lane: Monumen Kerusuhan Mei 1998

2 years ago

Something more metaphysic is reliable rather than something we could perceive directly. This project is about disaster, memory and spatial experience.

Design Public Spaces

Project Type : Final Year Student Project

Project Name: 98 Memory Lane : Monumen Kerusuhan Mei 1998

Student Name: Eldwin Timothi Partogi

University Name: University of Indonesia

Social Media Accounts: @etpartogi (instagram), eldwintimothi (behance)

Contact email: [email protected]

Location: Jaribening Estate Blok G5/8 Bekasi Selatan 17412

Completion Year: 2019

Gross Project Area (m2/ ft2): 2500m2

Project Location: Olimo, Mangga Besar Jakarta Barat

Program / Use / Building Function: Public Access, Museum

Project Description :

Architecture is not just physical form, but also on how we define space, interpreting spatial concrete in terms, which makes the space created by human or society has more meaning than it should. Disaster creates shock, generating disintegration in physical evidence, moreover psychologically that people cannot identify on the same way as physically does. Something more metaphysic is reliable rather than something we could perceive directly.

In this project, the evidence was traced by its debris. Every disaster comes with evidence whether psychological or physical. The debris can give a new meaning after it happened (the disaster). I took a note from an architect that criticized memory in such a way, that the memory becomes one with the person who saw it and experienced it. Lebbeus Woods on War Architecture discussed memory as something to experience in the weirdest way that can be felt by many people who were not involved in that event. Later on, Daniel Libeskind's Museum (Jewish Museum) began the new approach to perceiving memory. Something to feel all over our body, The whole physical experience on a journey throughout camp. 

This type of memory perceiving began the journey of me decoding the evidence of mei 98's riot to be a memorial for many people, but in the way that does not arouse angriness, disappointment, or sadness in a way to be felt, to be remembered, to be something which is always attached to people's mind on learning that this event will not happen again. How the memory planned on architecture to be memorized and to be felt in a more advanced way, psychologically such as loci method of a journey and physically like debris, and other interpretation of things to other meanings.

The key concept of this project is to translate something metaphysical into something physical. Some of the methods I do are painting, through lines, textures, and colors. Laying debris and evidence with emotional tracing that I got from conducting interviews with people who experienced the incident. The method, later on, is used for translating feelings into physical form and into the model. I chose the busway Station of the limo as the site of my interpretation of the method because I believe in a museum that everyone can experience with each person's end of interpretation could be different.

Site and ProgrammePicture 01 Site and Programme


Physical into Reality

Picture 02 Physical into Reality


Tracing EmotionPicture 03 Tracing Emotion Process


Site Sketch

Picture 04 Site Sketch


Model Photo

Picture 05 Model Photo


Model ProgressionPicture 06 Model Progression


Model AxonometryPicture 07 Model Axonometry


Section DetailsPicture 08 Section Details


Render Exterior 01

Picture 09 Render Exterior 01


Render Exterior 02Picture 10 Render Exterior 02


Render Experience 01

Picture 11 Render Experience 01

Render on SitePicture 12 Render on Site

© 2021 Eldwin Thimothi Partogi.

2 years ago
USU Student Activity Center
Design Student Projects
1 year ago
Nenun Ruang Student Project Submission
Design Education
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